Monday 9 March 2015

Inquiry Unit Plan Reflection

Through this inquiry unit, students are able to gain understandings and apply their knowledge as to how they can actively participate and contribute to their society as a responsible citizen of Canada. As our lessons provide several strategies for students to be engaged, it is of critical importance that we allow students to learn best by targeting their multiple intelligence's within our lessons and allowing them to explore differentiated instruction in each of the lessons. The focus of this unit is to allow students to inquire and explore and that is what we are aiming for. Lessons are comprised of teacher directed and mainly student centered learning with collaboration, hands-on, independence, cross curricular lessons and field trips in addition to including professional resources and parent/communication resources. In addition, blended learning and other types of learning are also integrated (dramatic roles).

This inquiry unit plan took a long path in terms of planning. We initially found it a bit difficult to understand how it would come together at the end but thankfully it came together and made a good fit. I found it surprising how well it came together at the end and how it “clicked”. This allows me to be prepared for doing a unit in the classroom as it taught me more about the backward design process (planning from down to up). I wonder if more education classes are going to move towards an inquiry directed approach?

For more information regarding the inquiry unit plan, please click here. 

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